Pedagogical Guide for the Nin Exhibition

This pedagogical guide is a unique entry point for teachers into the Anicinabek universe. It encourages educational actors to go a little further than what is proposed in the official school program and to explore the worldview of the Anicinabek, their history, their language, their relationship to the territory. It invites into a connection with them and calls for reflection on the future of the Anicinabemowin.
To consult the electronic version of the Pedagogical Guide.
To order a paper copy, contact us 819 762-8181 ext. 122 or

100 Years of Losses: The Residential School System in Canada
The Legacy of Hope Foundation created an educational kit for youth aged 11-18. A collection of activities was developed by educators to provide teachers and students with documentary resources on the history of residential schools and their lasting impacts. It includes a teacher’s guide, a wall-mounted timeline of events, videos, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, lesson plans and activity worksheets.
Designed for: Elementary level 3rd cycle, Secondary levels 1 and 2, Secondary 3, Secondary 4, Secondary 5
Available at the library of the Cégep of Rouyn-Noranda and Val-d’Or.
« Tabiskot kabi ijiwebiziwik kid anicinabe akinan acitc kid anicinabe ijigiwegizinan ki mawadjigonan ki mamawigosigonan acitc ki kinidjanicanak, ka ocki madiziwatc, kid anicinabeminanak od acimigonawa wena ka kitci minwacigan kikinohamagewinan kid ayanike mocominanak kagi nigidimagowik kiniwit dac kiyabitc ke tabinimagewik, ke kikinohagewik acitc ke icpenidamiwik niganitowik. »
« Our common history as a community and as a Nation, brings us together, unites us and nourishes our children, our adolescents and our members with these wonderful teachings bequeathed by our ancestors and which we must continue to share, teach and value. »

Gabriel-Commanda Educational Kit
The Val-d’Or Native Friendship Centre is proud to offer this Educational Kit designed for primary and secondary schools. This initiative is aimed at discovering First Peoples’ culture and was designed to raise awareness on racial discrimination. Students will be introduced to elements of culture, both ancestral and contemporary, that they may share with their friends and relatives. The learning activities proposed in the kit are play-based for the primary level and interactive for the secondary level. We encourage all teachers to adapt the activities to their specific situation. This document also puts in context the Week for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination held each year in March, and the Gabriel-Commanda Walk attended since 2001 by hundreds of people to promote peaceful and harmonious co-existence.
“Education is now the key to reconciliation…” (Truth and Reconciliation Commission, 2015)