Grouping of
Anishnabe Radio Stations
There are seven Anishnabe radio stations operating in the territory. They have been companions to daily and on the land activities for decades. In fact, while the latest addition took to the airwaves during Summer 2023, some of them have been reaching their listeners for over 30 years!
As live presenters of daily life, these stations are important crossroads where all the information and events affecting the Anicinabe communities converge. They are also the promoters of Anicinabe language and the transmitters of Anicinabe cultural values. However, they are also faced with many challenges, such as the updating of equipment, training needs, recruiting future broadcasters and funding.
In order to support their growth, identify their needs and promote mutual support, we have brought together all Anicinabe radio stations under one unparalleled collective entity. Meetings are held a few times a year since November 2017.

Grouping of
Anishnabe Radio Stations
There are seven Anishnabe radio stations operating in the territory. They have been companions to daily and on the land activities for decades. In fact, while the latest addition took to the airwaves during Summer 2023, some of them have been reaching their listeners for over 30 years!
As live presenters of daily life, these stations are important crossroads where all the information and events affecting the Anicinabe communities converge. They are also the promoters of Anicinabe language and the transmitters of Anicinabe cultural values. However, they are also faced with many challenges, such as the updating of equipment, training needs, recruiting future broadcasters and funding.
In order to support their growth, identify their needs and promote mutual support, we have brought together all Anicinabe radio stations under one unparalleled collective entity. Meetings are held a few times a year since November 2017.

Training Programs
The Anicinabe word Kinoamazihin means “to have the calling, the gift (of speech) and to use it”. This is the word we chose to talk about our training and support programs. In 2020, we organised a series of 3 virtual training sessions with all radio production and management teams in cooperation with the Ministère de la culture du Québec and the Conseil de la Culture de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue. These training sessions were designed to provide radio stations with common tools to create original content to be shared throughout all communities.
Radio station teams were then called upon to participate in a podcast project with Minwashin. 28 episodes featuring cultural bearers from all over the territory are available here, for all to enjoy!
World Radio Day

The 2020 theme was We are diversity, we are radio! Many radio stations organised activities to celebrate and we had the pleasure of welcoming a new one to our group, the Kebaowek community radio station.

Ni wejinanak acitc ka nigimowatc
ka nimiwatc nogom mikinana kanige anicinabe
teweganan acitc kitic anicinabek ka tibadjimowatc
owe ka apitenidagok kid anicinabe ijitawinan.