
Anicinapewin Heritage

Kiki pi nikitimakonan omitinentcikani8a kimocomeci8nanik. 8ekonen kapi 8apitamowatc. 8ekokeni kapi noswapatamatc. Kika kikin8amakonan kitci anicinape8ek. Kika ocikap8emin kitci manatcito8ek kitci anicinape madisi8in Atisokanan, otamin8akin, kakina kekonan kapi ocitamo8atc. Kiki nikitimakomin kitci apitcito8ek.

What we have left from our ancestors, every little thing they left behind or gave to us, is a witness to our thousand-year-old culture. Our heritage teaches us the ways of the Ancestors, reveals to us their imagination, their creativity and their ingenuity in facing difficulties. These are their stories, our stories. The objects they made with their hands and the names they gave to the landscape features are our heritage. We must protect this heritage because it is the memory of our culture and history that we wish to pass on to future generations.

« Ni kekina 8atcitcikemakanan, nit’enantekanan acitc ni masinipikanan nisitenakonon acitc ni  Kekina 8atcitokoman e ici8eki8ak. »

« Our symbols, colours and designs distinguish and identify us and represent who we are. »

Research on Anicinabe graphic heritage

Consult our exploratory research carried out in 2020, on the Anicinabe graphic heritage found in early written sources. These sources are mainly archives related to fur companies, Catholic missionary activities, travel stories, scientific studies from the first half of the 20th century and some more recent scientific sources.

In this report by Guillaume Marcotte, in collaboration with the Dumulon Corporation, we present information on colors and their meaning, patterns, body tattoos, headdresses, clothing and their ornaments, etc.

Consult the report here.

Initiated in 2019, this project is a far-reaching process designed to reclaim Anicinabe heritage. To better understand who we are, we needed to begin an exercise in memory.  Research started for the digital repatriation of Anicinabe visual symbols. Returning these elements to the Anicinabe Nation will promote the revitalisation of the culture and its transmission to future generations.

Initiated in 2019, this project is a far-reaching process designed to reclaim Anicinabe heritage. To better understand who we are, we needed to begin an exercise in memory. Research started for the digital repatriation of Anicinabe visual symbols. Returning these elements to the Anicinabe Nation will promote the revitalisation of the culture and its transmission to future generations.