International Year of Indigenous Languages
Anicinabemodan Campaign
Launched in 2019 on the International Year of Indigenous Languages, the Anicinabemodan – Let’s Talk Anicinabe initiative brings together a set of actions designed to promote the Anicinabe language.

Recognising that Indigenous languages were among the most vulnerable in the world today, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted a resolution proclaiming 2019 the International Year of Indigenous Languages. As the year came to an end, the United Nations proposed to continue the effort over 10 years. The International Decade of Indigenous Languages will begin in 2022.
« While promising for the Anishinabeg, this initiative is only a salve on an open wound, still confronting us with a harsh reality: we have neglected our language. Strong and resilient, language carries our culture at arm’s length, even when we ourselves are at a loss for words. »
-Richard Kistabish, president of Minwashin
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Richard Kistabish, président de Minwashin, partage les raisons pour lesquelles il est fier de parler sa langue ancestrale. Pour lui, la langue anicinabe est vivante. Elle nous permet de construire l’avenir et témoigne de notre passé. Elle est ce que nous sommes.
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La langue, pour les Anicinabek, est un cadeau du Créateur. Elle nous définit, nous caractérise. Elle est au centre de notre culture. @ Richard Kistabish, Marlène Jérôme, Virginia Dumont et Édouard Brazeau
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En visite à l’école Migwan de Pikogan, on découvre l’importance de la langue anicinabe dans les façons d’apprendre et d’enseigner des Anicinabek.
Anicinabemodan in Short
Anicinabemodan – Let’s Speak Anicinabe involves various initiatives helping to revitalize the Anicinabe language
« My wish is that we pool our efforts to ensure the continuity of our language. Please join all the women and men who have lent their voices and listened attentively in recent years. I’m filled with optimism by an inspiring up-and-coming generation. They carry with them a great wind of hope. Our language is the blazing fire of our culture: alive, sacred and vulnerable. With every utterance spoken it will light up the path of its own resurgence, reinvesting our lives with its evocative words, its significant stories and valuable pieces of wisdom. »
-Richard Kistabish, president of Minwashin
Anicinabe ijigijewin kitci apitenidagon kidji kinenidamik mi owe ka kidji ijiwegazik. Panima dac kiga anicinabemoman etaso kijigak kidji madjiwomagak kiniwit odji. Mojak kagwectok kidji anicinabemowek migwetc inenididan odji anicinabewin. Kagi pijiwebazik kagi iji nackimik madizowin. Mojak anicinabe ogi apintenidan odijigijewin.
Saving our language is crucial. It distinguishes us from others, it is our identity. The Anicinabe language is the reflection of what we have been through, of what we have experienced. Speak it daily. Be grateful and proud.
-Virginia Dumont