A well-respected elder of the Anicinabe community of Pikogan, Oscar Kistabish has devoted much of his life to promoting traditional culture and Indigenous spirituality. President of the Val-d’Or Native Friendship Center, he remains an important figure in the transmission of the ancestral Anicinabe culture on the territory.

Oscar Kistabish shares his vision of the territory through the life story of his ancestors.

(Paroles et récits Series, Réseau DIALOG, 2015)

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Oscar Kistabish explains what minomadjiwin means. It is an ancestral concept that invites movement and the search for balance.
(Paroles et récits Series, Réseau DIALOG, 2015)

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Through his childhood stories, Oscar Kistabish provides insight into the traditional Anicinabek way of life. While mentioning the historical facts, he talks about their link with the territory and nature, the movements caused by nomadism and daily life according to the seasons.

Public: primary and secondary

Duration: 1 hour

Language: French and English

From a talking stick-making workshop, students will be able to familiarize themselves with the use of this exchange tool and understand the symbolism of each of its elements. A sharing circle will follow the stick-making period and allow students to properly integrate the concepts of respect and exchange.

Public: primary and secondary

Duration: 1 hour

Language: French and English

Anicinabe spirituality revolves around 7 essential values, which are called the 7 sacred teachings. Explaining how these teachings define wisdom, love, respect, courage, honesty, humility and truth, Oscar Kistabish clarifies how these values ​​enable them to live in harmony with their culture, traditions and beliefs.

Public: primary and secondary

Duration: 1 hour

Language: French and English

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